Tuesday 21 January 2014

My New blog

http://chris7roberts94.wordpress.com/      --    New and Improved blog.

Tuesday 7 January 2014


I think that this is a great example of typography since it is split into sections and the main type is placed around the typography. I really like this because of the colour used and the simplistic part of the design. The background images make it very colourful, and the red text really puts it into context.

I really love this because the colours and the text are so readable but you can see that it is an image of a face, it is a very good representation too. It reminds me of the film the mask. Yet is also shows how affective typography can really be.

No this isn't the real Grand Theft Auto 5 logo.... But personally I think that this is a lot better then the original logo. Its simplistic but stylish. I really like the way the letters rap around each other. I think that this stands out more then the boring block text within the normal logo. It spices it up a bit.

I really like the idea behind this but I think that the typography is quite unreadable were the lines go all the way into the letter. It is clever but I think that a thinner line would make this a lot smoother.

Friday 3 January 2014

Glastonbury festival work.

This is the Spec sheet I made once I came up with my logo for the Glastonbury festival project. I am really happy with the way that this has turned out and i think It looks professional. There is also a font preview at the bottom to show which fonts I have used.
I think that the brochure above is the final result. I played about with the colours and the black boxes around the artists. I even took them out but the text didn't stand out as well as it could. So I decided to put the black boxes back in and use this as my final brochure.

This is my poster for the Festival. It took me quite a while to get it right. In the end I ended up making the part were the logos are just plain white and then I also made put the image across the image. Using the black boxes again too keep things similar. Then I put in the black and white logo because the brown one simply wouldn't stand out well enough.