Thursday 26 September 2013


I have to say I absolutely love this. It reminds me of why I want to be a graphic designer/illustrator. It inspires me too keep going and try even harder. The fact it states 'Creativity is Great Britain' is good because it relates to any creative mind that lives in Great Britain... This also relates to what makes Britain 'Great'. To be honest I think Great Britain is great because of all the creative brain boxes which come from the UK itself.

To me I really like this because it is very good, I like how detailed it is, yes this is a game, but I still like the design of it. It really seems like you are in the scene in the picture. I really like how it almost looks real, even though it is more then likely digitally produced.

I really love the fact that someone has took the time to put these to images together. I mean come on I would have never thought it would look anything like it. To be honest whoever designed this logo is very good at using colours since every colour has something to do with brasil itself.

Personally I just love how this is all digitized and how its looks so modern. I also think that it is a very nice piece just because all of the colours used almost compliment eachother. Fantastic.

What Can I say, Visiting Mccann London has been the single most influential experience I have had in the design world so far. It was a great experience and I learned absolutely loads of things during the few hours that we were there.

Sunday 15 September 2013


I think that this is a really great image, I think that it is very futuristic and it kind of breaches the real world rules and goes into a dreamlike or fantasy world. I really love the fact that it is almost like worlds in the atmosphere because there is stars and sky in the same image. I have looked at this picture many times and its really aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. Unfortunately I cant find the artist who did this piece but I am still searching because it is quite inspiring to see something like this.

To be honest I am not sure whether I like this piece or not because it is a nice colour and there is a lot of nice contrasts and I think that it is very interesting. I have never seen anything like this before and I am pretty sure that I could use the contrasts in this piece to my advantage to make something stand out.

I really think that this piece is very detailed

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Album Art

This piece is an album cover for Monstercat Media which is an compilation of artists who produce electronic/dubstep and lots of other genres. I like this logo because it is very simple and easy to recognize.
The artist who produced this piece is :
I like this artwork because it is very unique, it gives a good look at the outdoors and its really simple and the scene looks like he is climbing. I am very interested in mountain climbing myself so this really caught my attention by the way it is designed. All of this artists artwork is extremely good.
This is the album art for best of Monstercat 2011. I think that this is very colourful and very well construction. In my opinion I think that this is quite a detailed piece. Considering the fact that the colours all merge into each other. I actually love this piece because of all the pieces which come off the edge of the jagged circle but it has a very cool effect.

work in progress...

Artist Influences

My Main Influences are from the artists :

These artists are very different and each one has a different way of working and how there finished pieces are finished. This gives me a wide range of influences and different ways to experiment with my designs. I choose these four artists because each one has a unique way of working. Making each piece completely different.

This David Carson piece is a typography based piece making it very interesting and unique. This piece caught my eye because it is a mix of block colour and typography which makes the design stand out alot more to me then his other pieces. David Carson is one of my favourite designers.

Nina Chakrabarti works in a very different way to the other artists drawing. She works with patterns and lots of colour but yet in some pieces she only uses black and white to make it contrast completely.

B0130 is a graffiti artist who is well known for his style which, is completely out of the ordinary, he uses dark colours to compliment his work and makes certain objects stand out from the piece.
Michael-Craig Martin uses a single line style which I find really interesting because his objects stand out so much. When he makes a darker or thicker outline to make it stand out more you know that object is obviously more important to the artist/designer them and doesn't use much white space.

Neil Hipkiss, Probably my favourite artsist... He has the same interests as me. "Aviation" I love how every single painting that he does, is pretty much life like. This means that each peice is extremely detailed and to be honest. I would love to be able to paint like this because it is so detailed, but I intend to have a go at working in this way because it has influenced me to 'pay attention to detail'.

I love Harry Malt simply because he draws all over walls. Nah im just kidding, I love his work because it is his illustration style which really catches my eye. Since I saw these for the first time I have always wanted to do something like that on a wall or something like that, I think it would be a great thing to do.