Sunday 15 September 2013


I think that this is a really great image, I think that it is very futuristic and it kind of breaches the real world rules and goes into a dreamlike or fantasy world. I really love the fact that it is almost like worlds in the atmosphere because there is stars and sky in the same image. I have looked at this picture many times and its really aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. Unfortunately I cant find the artist who did this piece but I am still searching because it is quite inspiring to see something like this.

To be honest I am not sure whether I like this piece or not because it is a nice colour and there is a lot of nice contrasts and I think that it is very interesting. I have never seen anything like this before and I am pretty sure that I could use the contrasts in this piece to my advantage to make something stand out.

I really think that this piece is very detailed

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